Our team works directly with the businesses making waves in the transition to net zero. In our series of blogs we consider the technical challenges, the market opportunities and look at the big issues effecting the journey to net zero and the uptake of low carbon technology. 

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04 December 2023

Cutting emissions from the web

Read time: 5 minutes

The internet consumes roughly 416.2TWh of electricity per year and contributes to 3.7 per cent of global carbon emissions. Here are some practical ways to decarbonise your business’s digital footprint.

Posted By Green Economy

23 November 2023

How to save energy: business case & financing

Read time: 6 minutes

A short guide to building a successful business case for energy efficiency investments and how to finance them.

Posted By Green Economy

14 November 2023

Demystifying EV technology – a business guide to EV technology and solutions

Read time: 2 minutes

A business guide to EV technology and solutions.

Posted By Green Economy

31 October 2023

Net Zero Key Terms Glossary

Read time: Around 1 minute

Net Zero discourse can often be confusing, unclear, and misleading. It’s important for businesses to understand the key Net Zero terminology, institutions, and accreditations out there and to identify the jargon to avoid accidental greenwashing.

Posted By Green Economy

25 October 2023

5 things you need to know about EV charging

Read time: 2 minutes

Are you looking to introduce EV technology to your business? Here are 5 things you should know about EV charging before you get started.

Posted By Ashley Hulme

23 October 2023

How to create an environmentally aware workforce

Read time: 4 minutes

Rebecca Chedd, one of our expert environmental business advisors, summarises how businesses can effectively engage their staff to instill a resource-efficient culture in the workforce.

Posted By Rebecca Chedd

18 October 2023

How to write an environmental policy

Read time: 3 minutes

An environmental policy is an essential document every business should have in place to communicate their environmental responsibilities. Here are our top tips and examples for getting it right.

Posted By Green Economy

09 October 2023

Five key takeaways from the IEA’s updated Net Zero Roadmap

Read time: 4 minutes

The International Energy Agency (IEA) have updated their Net Zero Roadmap, with rooftop solar and clean energy growth lighting the way for climate progress.

Posted By Green Economy

03 October 2023

Why are unproven climate solutions proving so popular?

Read time: 3 minutes

The UK is funnelling billions into nuclear and carbon capture technologies that are still unproven, so what do they have that cheaper, established climate solutions do not, and what can we learn from this?

Posted By Amy House

06 September 2023

A business guide to carbon footprinting

Read time: 5 minutes

Before you can start your journey to net zero, it is important to understand where you are starting from. This guide explains all you need to know about carbon footprinting and how to measure this in your business.

Posted By Green Economy

09 August 2023

Key greenwashing terms worth knowing

Read time: 2 minutes

With corporate greenwashing becoming increasingly sophisticated, the practice can now be separated into several different forms that all businesses should be aware of.

Posted By Green Economy

07 August 2023

A business guide to carbon offsetting

Read time: 5 minutes

When looking to reduce emissions from your operation, carbon offsetting appears an attractive quick fix. Here we explore how carbon offsetting works, when it can be effective and why it should be the final item on your carbon reduction to-do list.

Posted By Alasdair Dalzel-Job