Green Economy works with buyers and suppliers of low carbon products and services to improve access to the technologies and services that will facilitate the transition to net zero. We also work with local and regional policy makers to grow your local green economy.
Green Intelligence, powered by Green Economy, has been keeping businesses in the know since 2013. With the latest environmental legislation and sector news, along with market intelligence and thought leadership from green business experts, we are here to help you navigate the complex and fast paced green economy.
Get inspired by real businesses making a difference. In our case studies we highlight the amazing innovation at the root of the net zero transition, showcase some of the collaborations delivering impacts and highlight the people developing net zero products and services.
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A Greater Manchester online retailer specialising in refurbished tech has achieved energy savings of 67,137kWh following an LED lighting changeover.
Salford-based textile company gains greater confidence in their sustainability goals and commitments following training and support from Green Economy.
Laserline Dies manufacture steel tooling for packaging firms with premises in Stockport and Chelmesford. They met with a Sustainability Consultant who conducted a site audit to understand their carbon footprint and to identify where the biggest carbon and cost savings could be achieved.
Get Cycling CIC, situated in the York, is making strides towards net zero, following expert advice from Net Zero consultants, expecting to save 11.5 carbon tonnes and £23,070 annually.
Media City studio and production firm Un.Titled Studio made huge savings to their energy bills by replacing its old, inefficient gas heating with a grant funded heat pump.
Asset Lifecycle Solutions (ALS) have recently delivered a tech disposal project spearheaded by the Green Economy team. We sat down to speak with Ben Griffin, Managing Director of ALS, about the barriers to tech disposal and how your organisation can manage its waste securely.
Heating technology innovators Thermocill seized new market exposure opportunities through Green Economy, leading to increased profile and new sales.
Yellow Door Day Nursery was awarded a grant to replace their existing gas boiler with electric heat pumps, reducing the businesses gas consumption equating to 5.65 CO2e tonnes and creating cost savings of £1,200 each year.
Green Economy introduced solar business Kast to Air Handlers, a north western manufacturer, to deliver a 60kW solar system worth £50,512.
EVC Group, based in Bury, has launched a new EV charge point service, increased headcount by three and gained sales worth £200k, following support from Green Economy.
Secure Contracting, University of Salford, and Stagecoach have undergone fleet electrification. Switching to electric or hybrid vehicles can generate immediate on-road carbon savings for your business. We spoke to the three organisations who plugged in to hear their advice on going electric.
Quantum Profile Systems Ltd (QPSL) has made impressive strides towards net zero, including solar panels installed by Green Economy member, Perfect Sense Energy.